Holiday Photo Shoot – Chelsea, Carlo, & Laila

November 22, 2013

One of the perks of being a professional photographer is that I get to meet so many wonderful people.  A great example of that would be this family, Chelsea, Carlo, and their adorable daughter Laila.
We met at a location in Milford, CT that I had picked out.  I had been wanting to do a photo shoot here for the longest time.  It is a wide open field with tall grass with a single pine tree right in the middle.  It really doesn’t get much better than that!  The outer perimeter of the field was lined with a bunch of bare trees, except for one tree with small red crab-apple looking things.  We couldn’t identify what kind of tree it was but the color matched so well with little Laila’s coat.  Perfect.

If you or someone you know want to round up the family and get some great shots done for your Christmas Cards, head over to my CONTACT page and send me a message!  I still have a couple openings for the end of this month and in December as well.


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Beautiful set! Love the red tree!