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Wedding Receptions are a ton of fun to shoot. There is always something to shoot and there is never a dull moment (hopefully). That being said, there is one drawback. It is usually very dark inside wedding reception venues. The ambient light in the room is very low. Luckily we have the option to use speed lights to shed some light on the action. Although I prefer to use my speed lights off camera and trigger them using pocket wizards, sometimes that is not an option due to space or lack of assistant to move the light stand around for me.Using the speed light on the hot shoe of your camera can either create a beautiful photo or it can create a terrible, flat, and unflattering photograph. It all depends on how you use it. Here are two rules that I live by…
Rule #1: NEVER point the flash straight at your subjects indoors, unless they are clear across the room and you have no other choice.
Rule #2: Look at the ambient light. There may not be much of it but how can you use it to your advantage?
Lately wedding venues have started to install “up-lighting” or DJ’s are payed to bring along the lighting. They are colored LED panels that illuminate the walls of the venue in the color of the bride and groom’s choice. These look fantastic is photographs, with our without the use of flash. But you need to be careful not to overpower these lights with your flash. So what is the solution? Turn your flash off for a second and evaluate the exposure for the room. Once you find the settings for a well exposed image without flash, then turn on your flash. You can use either TTL or set your flash exposure manually. It is important to remember not to point the flash directly at your subjects. Instead, bounce the flash off of a wall or bounce off the ceiling. This will create a much more flattering light! Below are two images taken moments apart. The right demonstrates the direct flash and the left demonstrates exposing for the room and then adding in bounced flash.
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The difference is quite evident. Some of you reading may be thinking to yourselves “You must have to really bump up your ISO to expose for a room that dark”.
Not necessarily, no. The beauty of flash is that is will freeze the subjects. This allows you to shoot at much slower shutter speeds to soak in the ambient light. If you want faster shutter speeds than by all means shoot at higher ISO speeds, if your camera performs well at high ISO that is. When I was shooting weddings on my Canon 550D I was able to get shots like this at ISO 400 and 1/10th of a second. Now with my 5D Mark II I can get away with shooting at ISO 1000 and 1/60th or so.
Give this a try at your next wedding reception, if you haven’t already that is. You will be creating much more vibrant and natural looking photographs, and have a great time doing it!
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